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Recent outage and next steps

On July 2nd the DroneBL team was alerted to a major issue affecting the website, and consequently your ability to submit and remove listings using our RPC2 API, or request manual removal of existing listings in our database.

While the cause of the outage was not immediately clear, we immediately escalated to the server sponsor who promptly engaged the provider. Their investigation identified a catastrophic hardware failure which had put the host in a soft-locked state, preventing the host from booting and further delaying us bringing the virtual server back online.

Hardware replacements were immediately requested by the sponsor, but since the hardware is owned by the sponsor and privately colocated in Europe, this took longer than anticipated. We were able to confirm replacement of the hardware on July 9th, however the new hardware introduced a configuration incompatibility with the hypervisor. This new issue was quickly resolved on July 10th, and our service has now resumed normal operation.

In response to the outage and prolonged recovery process, we're working internally to establish a disaster recovery protocol to ensure continuous uninterrupted service in the event of another catastrophic failure. Of course, there's no such thing as a sure thing, but we've got some great ideas to make things better for you (and easier on us).

Thank you for placing your trust in DroneBL.

Duck / Jul-10-2024 12:28:10 GMT

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