RPC Key Requestform
First Name:
Last Name:
E-mail Address
Please enter a reason for requesting:
If applicable, specify the following details: network name, your nickname, irc:// address and website.
Also, if you are AS admin, please specify the AS numbers, ipowners can also state their ranges in here.
By requesting a key, you certify that the hosts you submit are compromised, or are otherwise a
verified source of nefarious activity at the time of submission. Real-time automated submissions
provide the most reliable reports with the least probability of reporting false positives. If
real-time submission is not practical for your application, batch reports shall be submitted no
more than 24 hours after the aggregation of compromised hosts. The DroneBL service MUST NOT
be used as a method of retribution against trolls or other annoyances, or for any other personal,
non-security related reasons.
I Agree I Disagree